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The Small Moments Teacher

Updated: May 4, 2020

Why are we called The Small Moments Teacher? What is our mission?

Why we are called The Small Moments Teacher?

Have you ever had a moment while teaching when a student has said something which has created a perfect teachable moment? Or have you been on the playground exhausted after an overwhelming day and a student walks up to you and gives you a hug telling you that you are the best teacher ever? Or seen the "Ah-Ha" moment on a students face when they have been struggling with a concept for months? The list goes on and on.

There are so many small important moments in teaching that makes this wonderful crazy mess of a job worth it. These are the small moments. These moments to be treasured. This is a time to take a step back as a teacher and think "this is why I became a teacher". And these are the moments that we need to continue to build each and every day with our students. We have 180 days with each wonderful class and each one of those days we have the chance to make an impact on each and every one of the students in our classroom. We have been given a HUGE gift as teachers to have a profound impact in the lives of students. We have to do our students justice by not stressing out about the test, constantly worrying about fitting in each and every one of our standards and lessons in. As teachers, we must remember what it truly important each and every day, and that is engaging our students in valuable, life-long learning!

So teachers, give yourself a break. Take a step back. Remember to look for those every day simple small moments of love, learning and laughter.

Our Mission

  • Connect with teachers around the world

  • Engage in collaborative conversations and projects with others in the education field

  • Create and share engaging hands-on learning materials

  • Share my passion for teaching with other teachers

  • Encourage others to slow down when teaching and embrace the small moments

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